Ministry projects and possibly moving to Blogger

I’ve been very busy lately, sewing dolls for children in a Haiti orphanage that I’ll be visiting on a missions trip this July.  I also start Bible collage this August, so have been prepping for that.

In light of how much busier I’ll be soon, I’m thinking of moving this blog to Blogger, and combining it with my Harvest Moon blog so I have less blogs to switch between. I like Blogger better than WordPress for several reasons, mostly it’s ease of customization and ability to do your own adds and such. WordPress is good for webstite-type blogs but I’d rather switch to Blogger for this blog.  I’m not sure how long it will take to move (if I can even move my blog files from WordPress to Blogger) but when the new blog is up, I’ll post a link here :)

Coolest Barbie doll you’ll see today

Does this look like the next big player in the Star Wars universe or what? Mattel really outdid themselves with this one, she is one of the most gorgeous (and unique!) Barbie dolls I’ve seen. I already have about 80 dolls in my Barbie collection but this one is going on my wish list for sure!

Happy May the 4th!

Happy Star Wars Day everyone!! While I’m not doing much to celebrate this year, I thought I’d share some ways to Star-Wars-ify your day.  Here’s some great stuff:

Celebration ideas, and more celebration ideas, straight from the official Star Wars Website.  Check out that severed wampa arm cake!

Speaking of the official Star Wars site, check out all the cool fun stuff they have – free online games, printables, recipes and more to add a little Star Wars to your day.

And before you do anything else, you need to make sure to send some Star Wars e-cards to all your friends to let them know you remember them on this momentous day.

And of course, has hundreds of recipes, crafts, costume ideas and more Star Wars themed how-tos sure to help you plan a perfect party or project.

Download a FREE episode of the animated show Star Wars: Clone Wars! Episode 16 of season 5 is free for download.

If you’re looking for some new reading material, Amazon is having a special on a lot of kindle editions of Star Wars books, many being marked down to $1.99 – including the The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force and The Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to the Empire, book 1 (this is the first real Star Wars novel series ever written, it’s very good and a classic!).

And when all else fails, just pop in A New Hope, grab a glass of blue milk and enjoy what the day is really all about.

Happy Star Wars Day everyone!

Random Star Wars fact…

Remember this guy from the original Star Wars movies?

Denis Lawson as Wedge Antilles in Return of the Jedi

Guess who his nephew is?

Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan-Kenobi

Mind = Blown.

Eventually I’ll post about something other than Star Wars I promise.




Video Game Charities to Help Children

I hate news.  I try to avoid watching the news on TV and keep up with most things simply by glancing over the headlines on  Yes, I want to be informed, but at the same time I’m the kind of person who will remember a disturbing picture or story for years.

Some things of course are simply hard to just pass over, like what happened in Boston yesterday.  It’s saddening and infuriating and frustrating that something like that could happen, and that a child was one of the people who died.  I work with children every week, and children hold a very special place in my heart.  I know lots of little 8 year olds. My friend has an 8 year old daughter who runs and jumps into my arms every time she sees me.  To think that she could have been killed…it’s horrible and sobering.  And then a facebook friend posted this picture:

Thank you, Mr. Rogers.

So, we move forwards, and we help.  There will always be crazy bad people in the world who do bad things, but there will also be helpers.  I want to be a helper.  My BF had recently told me about a children’s charity for video gamers, so I looked it and a few others up.  Gamers, here’s how you can be a helper!

Extra Life Charity (My BF is doing this! If you would like to help sponsor him, you can here.)

From their website: “For the last four years, thousands of gamers have joined together annually to play for 24 hours for Extra Life – a gaming marathon in support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®. Gamers rally friends and family members to sponsor their play. The funds they raise go to help save and improve the lives of kids at the CMN Hospital in their community.

Since 2008, our incredible players have raised more than 4 million dollars, and this year, on November 2nd, 2013 we believe they will outdo themselves yet again.

We’d like YOU to join our lifesaving fight.”

Child’s Play Charity

From their website: “Since 2003, we’ve set up and organized Child’s Play, a game industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in our network of over 70 hospitals worldwide. Over the years, you as a community have answered the call and come together to raise millions of dollars.

Child’s Play works in two ways. With the help of hospital staff, we set up gift wish lists full of video games, toys, books, and other fun stuff for kids. By clicking on a hospital location on our map, you can view that hospital’s wish list and send a gift.

Child’s Play also receives cash donations throughout the year. With those cash donations, we purchase new consoles, peripherals, games, and more for hospitals and therapy facilities. These donations allow for children to enjoy age-appropriate entertainment, interact with their peers, friends, and family, and can provide vital distraction from an otherwise generally unpleasant experience.”

Get Well Gamers Charity

From their website: “The Get-Well Gamers Foundation was founded in 2001 with the goal of bringing video game systems and games to children’s hospitals. Video games are an effective and proven pain management tool and provide needed entertainment during long hospital stays.

The Foundation currently serves dozens of children’s hospitals across the U.S. in an ever-expanding donation network that has already brought much-needed entertainment to hundreds of thousands of children each year. The Foundation services all kinds of hospitals, from small local facilities to larger regional medical centers. Although some of these hospitals are on the cutting edge of medical research, all too often their pediatrics units are lacking for entertainment options. The Foundation seeks to fill these gaps by providing hospitals with free video games, systems, and accessories.”

If everyone took even just one day of their week to be a ‘helper’ in some way, imagine what a wonderful place the world would be!

Annnnnnnd…LucasArts is gone

Disney Shuts Down LucasArts, Cancels Star Wars 1313 And Star Wars: First Assault

I found out about this last night through my BF (he normally is coming to ME for Star Wars updates as he’s more of a Trekkie, but as he’s studying to become a video game designer he always beats me to anything video-game related). I’m pretty surprised and not sure I’m happy with this turn of events. While I haven’t played any LucasArts games in a while (I don’t play a lot of Star Wars games actually…) I have played and enjoyed their games in the past. I don’t really see why Disney chose to close LucasArts down – though I suppose it was being phased out in recent years anyway with other publishers working on the Star Wars games. Still, firing 150 people and shutting the whole company down? Couldn’t they have assimilated LucasArts into some other company?

I don’t know much about the technical goings on of running the company or making the games so I can’t say much, just that I’m going to miss that logo.

Every Star War’s fan’s thoughts on Disney owning Star Wars

I nearly choked on my drink from laughing.  This is gold.

Also, turning the Epcot ‘ball’ (which is actually called Spaceship Earth, FYI) into the Death Star is an epic idea.

Huge collection of Disney Clipart (including 90s TV favorites!!)

While searching around for graphics for a current project I found  It’s stuffed to the brim of free-for-non-commercial-use Disney clipart, not only of Disney princesses and Mickey and the gang, but also of pretty much EVERY Disney movie ever made.  And the 90s TV shows, people! Stuff like:


Tailspin is probably one of the most looked-over old Disney shows, but it was pretty clever to turn the Jungle Book characters into their own show!


Sad that a lot of kids today have no idea who Uncle Scrooge is.

Anyone else remember the Darkwing Duck Stage show that was in the Magic Kingdom in the mid 90s??

Anyone else remember the Darkwing Duck Stage show that was in the Magic Kingdom in the mid 90s??


This was a great show…looking back I realize how dark and serious it was, it wasn’t really a normal kids show but boy, it was good.


Chip is still one of my favorite cool guys!



Another reason why Wreck It Ralph is one of my favorite movies of all time

Apparently, the racer Minty Zaki is named for Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki


Also, what kind of name is Flugpucker??

What we all do…
